Strange Google keywords

Lately I have noticed that my blog has been getting quite a lot of traffic from Google searches. Some of the search phrases are quite bizarre. The one circled in red in the image below (you may have to scroll down a bit) is a classic 😯

Screen shot of Google Searches that find my blog with search term 'i want to be food for cannibals' circled in red

Seems I have inadvertently created a esoteric niche. Just for the record, I oppose cannibalism totally, without any exceptions. It has nothing to do with being a vegetarian – I just don’t want to be eaten.

The statistics system free wordpress blogs have is a simplified version of Google analytics. It lists the kinds of Google searches that bring up your blog.

Which begs the question: what search terms are finding YOUR blog? It would be interesting to share.

20 thoughts on “Strange Google keywords

  1. I have a few , but the best keyword is sliit. Always brings me good traffic and the averages time spent on the blog is close to 3-4 minutes which is far better than other search terms


  2. Nishadha:Very cool 8)
    Your “No Jobs for SLIIT Students ?” is #4 on a Google search for “sliit”! (5th if you consider the 2nd Wikipedia entry). 3-4 minutes is quite fantastic. Well done.

    Dinidu de Alwis: 😉 Well, given your last few posts that’s not a surprise at all. My old billboard post still gets hits – (I’ll leave you to guess what the search terms 😉 )


  3. WTF? ROTFL 😀

    As for me;

    “life in a lion herd”, “vintage beauties”, “kangaroo rip apart”, “elmo porn”, “monkeys hanging”

    …are some of the more “interesting” ones. Of course little insignificant me is flattered that someone decided to do “dili blog” & “Words of Amaruwan” searches 😀


  4. RD: 😯 that is shocking!!! 😉 how did that come around? Tried Googleing it but didn’t see your blog listed. A good thing perhaps?

    Dili:Interesting. What posts did you write for that to happen ? Should I Google 😉

    scrumpulicious: I’m lost on that question as you are.


  5. Cerno – I guess that’s what you told Mrs Cerno when she caught you googling ” Sri Lanka sex aunties”! Sorry about my mutiple comment, I kept getting kicked out and didn’t realise they’d all gone through.


  6. @Cerno: 🙂 Well if you did check out my place you’d know that 3 of those are very close to actual titles. Actually the most search engine hits I draw are for the Cricket World Cup posts I did a while back. Power of a niche popular topic even after all this time…


  7. Dili: Quite right – the power of blogging about cricket. In some sense it pulls a huge audience almost as well as another broader topic which has a shorter 3 letter name 😉


  8. Yes, the “Popular/Funny Search Terms” blog post seems to be a rite of passage for bloggers; I’ll have to write one up eventually with the funny ones! Will let you know when it goes up! 🙂


  9. @Cerno: That reminds me, I was meaning to thank you because I’m getting a considerable amount of hits through you Cerno. 😀 Especially from one specific post [the referring url shows it], the why & how of that, i do not know. 🙂


  10. Ian: Will look forward to it 🙂 I’ll link to your post when I post it – nothing like a little link swapping!

    Dili: Perhaps’ its the similarity of the names – “Dilly’s” and “Dili” ? 😉


  11. Haha, I think you should be a bit worried about your safety.
    For me recent ones are ‘gutterflower’, ‘Pamankada Bridge’ and ‘Sri Lanka marriage proposals’.
    I must confess I was a bit disappointed though, was expecting something a bit more spicier.


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