Sign of life

This blog is not dead. Life’s been quite overflowing lately and its been possibly the longest time I’ve been without pecking out something since I began blogging. That is not an excuse. Just a fact. The voices in the head are not pleased but understanding. Vut Tu Du No?

In life you have to priorities what you do with the 24 hours you get in each day. Sometimes you have to put aside lesser priorities that you might even enjoy. Such are the demands of the world. It doesn’t mean that this blog is dead. I just don’t know how else to describe it. Dormant? On hiatus? What ever it is I don’t think I’m at the tail end of the 7 stages of blogging just yet. That’s not a denial by the way…

Meanwhile the quarter million hit mark has flowed by. As quietly as a water molecule under the bridge. I can’t have all been me. May thank yous for everyone who dropped by 😀

Normal service will return eventually. The voices may be patient but its best not to push it too far…

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