Digital productivity as procrastination

There’s a point when digital productivity tools and techniques become a mirage. A “reachable” image of juicy productivity. Where setting up the tools, the configurations, the processes can keep you from getting any actual work done. It’s an infinite ocean of procrastination.

It is the classic rearranging the desk without physical constraints. When you are locked in it, it doesn’t look like procrastination. All you need to do is install something. Or set up an account. Then you find you need to do an additional step. Followed by another.

Or something doesn’t work right. So you poke around config files. Google bounces you around a few stack overflow posts. If you don’t watch it, UNIX Shell scripts become the new cocaine.

You start reading stuff like

Gemsets created by these users will be hosted in their HOME directory. It’s not possible to use global gemsets from system without using tricks like manually linking directories and they should not be used in mixed-mode..

Eventually you realise that you forgot to change two characters to customise your install. The thrill vindicates the hours spent ploughing through the jungle. You blog about the ordeal and its victories. Further pushing back the work you need to do.

The issue is one of self discipline. Not the tools that are the usual targets.

Deep down I wonder if all this is a form of denial. A way of not looking at the gallows. The economic realities of the lock down it nasty. A lot of people far worse off than I will be even worse off. The usual plunders will make a bigger killing. The thoughts of such things are hard to bat away. Some turn to the alter. Others to the bottle. A few to the blinking command prompt.

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