iDoubts (with link to iPhone Disassembly Photos)

I’ve been a mac user since the late 20th century (I’m actually writing this one a mac mini) but I’m also rather cynical about new fancy products. Specially the “i” stuff cranked out by Apple (fruit) computer. One mac site that I occasionally glance at –macslash – had an interesting post with links to iPhone Disassembly Photos

The above link is for old times sake. There was a time I used to be hyped up about that kind of thing. Now it would be hauling out an old 486 pc or some low end mac out of a junk heap and installing something like Open BSD.

My bigest doubt about the iPhone is not technical but who will it really handle with day to day wear and tear. I used to be a heavy Palm pilot and pocket PC user in the by gone days. Those were primitive machines. But they held up to the grind letting me right 10000 word documents, getting dropped etc. Then there’s the human chemical – the sweat off your paws. The heat the humidity. Yes yes I’m sure they stress tested it rather extensively. But I’m sceptical given my years of finding out first hand how gadgets deal with the real world.

Its easy for me to say – I’m not going to buy it – even if as a Sri Lankan could afford it 😉 AND use it here.

Perhaps I’m grumpy since I didn’t hit the sack till 3am toiling over wedding stuff.

So after the last 2000 word post I’d better keep it short and stop typing.

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