Sri Lankan New Year Gathering’s Realisations

Sri Lankan New Year traditions are about renewal and continuity. But I feel an undertow of something cracking that illusion. It hard to notice or realise initially. There are children of cousins gleefully tearing through the house. A happy shrieking gaggle of British, American, Australian and Sri Lankan accents. Elders too senile or physically delicate … Continue reading Sri Lankan New Year Gathering’s Realisations

April New Year grumble from a civilian casualty

Yes yes its "hot and humid" in Colombo. It seems the recent bitter Colombo winter has made people forget that we are located a few degrees north of the equator. I'm trying not to be grumpy so I'm preventing the sarcasm from leaking out into the third sentence and beyond. After all its the new … Continue reading April New Year grumble from a civilian casualty