360 degree view from Sigiriya mountain summit

Magtoo.com lets you create and share panoramas from multiple photographs without using any graphics software. The system is geared to share your creations via numerous social networking sites such as Blogger, Facebook ect. Though the site is still under development I was able to create a 360 degree panorama of view from the summit of Sigiriya mountain quite easily.

Thumbnail image - 360 degree view Sigiriya summit
360 degree panorama image of the view from the summit of Sigiya mountain - generate via magtoo.com

All I needed to do was upload the images in one selection step and the system did the rest. I was quite impressed by how Magtoo.com stitched the overlapping areas of the images together quite seamlessly.

An additional benefit is that you can mark the location of your panorama on google maps. A feature that might appeal to geo blogging nerds while the rest might just shrug.

For a free online service in testing phase Magtoo.com has only a few drawbacks. Currently (mid Nov 2009 ) it is not possible to insert your panorama into a wordpress.Com blog in the same way you might add a youtube video. Copy-pasting the embed code doesn’t work either. There is a feature to “post” a panorama onto a wordpress blog. You’ll have to enter your blog’s login details to do that – which I’m not entirely comfortable about doing. The only low tech way do share your creations is via an old fashioned link to your magtoo.com profile page.

There is a “post to wordpress option” which I haven’t used. Blogger by contrast features prominently on magtoo’s list of social media sites.

Currently you need to use internet explorer on windows to with some activx add-on enabled to create a panorama. Non IE users including OS X people are out of luck for now.

Overall I think these issues are quite minor. The site lets you create something that would otherwise require downloading and installing yet another piece of software.

I think Sri Lankan photobloggers should give panorama creation via magtoo a shot. It’s an ideal tool for Kirigalpoththa to share his vistas from the hiking trails of Sri Lanka. I think Panoramism is the next logical step for Indi’s night-time long exposure photography.

Give magtoo a try and share a wider view with a bigger picture.

6 thoughts on “360 degree view from Sigiriya mountain summit

  1. I was trying to find a proper piece of software to create panoramas… I tried some (traditional non-web-based) apps and they failed miserably… should give this a try! 😀


    1. Your panoramas are stunning!!. Definitely worth putting up on Magtoo. It does a good job stitching the images together – without needing any image editing.

      Keeping the images small does help cut the time it takes to number crunch.

      Hope you do add them.


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